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Blog: World Creativity and Innovation Day

World Creativity & Innovation Day is a global movement dedicated to celebrating all forms of creativity. Creativity and Innovation is the driving force behind everything in the world. Every object we see, and every concept we understand, is the fruit of creativity and innovation. Every action we take has the potential to be a creative one. MPA fully supports UN WWCID’s message and mission of raising awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.

The Sustainable Development Goals

Creativity and innovation in problem-solving

World Creativity & Innovation Day is the final day of WCIW dedicated to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals established by the United Nations to address global challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. Achieving all goals by 2030 is important to create a more sustainable future for all. To achieve the SDGs, it is essential that all nations, organizations, and individuals work together to create a more sustainable future. This means promoting responsible consumption and production patterns, reducing inequality, protecting natural resources, and ensuring that everyone has access to the basic needs for a decent life.

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Creative and innovate people.

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner, an English doctor born in 1749, tested the theory that cowpox gave immunity to smallpox. In 1796, he smeared cowpox pus into a cut in the arm of a boy named James Phipps, who then became mildly ill with cowpox. Jenner then gave James pus from a smallpox victim, but he did not become ill, proving cowpox gave him protection. Jenner called this procedure ‘vaccination’, from the Latin word for ‘cow’, Vacca. Edward used his creativity and innovation to save millions of lives and advance human development.



James Dyson

James Dyson, the founder of the globally recognized Dyson brand, was unsatisfied with the performance of his Hoover in 1978, which led him to create a better product. After five years and 5,127 prototypes, he invented the world’s first bagless vacuum cleaner, the DC01. Today, Dyson designs and manufactures various household appliances, such as heaters, vacuum cleaners, hand dryers, hairdryers, lights, and air purifiers, that are both energy-efficient and iconic. The effortless everyday use of these products displays James Dyson’s creativity and innovation mindset as one of the greatest British innovators of modern times.


James Dyson’s and Edward Jenner’s legacy has and will continue to inspire hundreds of people to be more creative and innovative in life, they are notable examples of the vital role creativity and innovation has played and continues to play in all aspects of human development.